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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Trapped in a drowsy stupor,
the effect calms me.
It makes almost indifferent,
yet always knowing,
that this drowsy stupor prevents me from losing myself.
Just too tired,
just don't care,
don't give a damn.....
And once again fall asleep.
Always wondering when it will continue for eternity.

Just felt like blogging. Wonder when I am going to add the chat box. Gotta ask my bro to help me with it since I'm totally non-IT savvy. Should I even bother? No one even comes to this blog, much less tag in it! Maybe if there were some naughty pictures more (HORNY BASTARDS) people may visit. Tomorow im probably going to get screwed by the Geog teacher badly due to a certain file so **** IT. Damnit that feels good.

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 6:27 AM

Friday, May 23, 2008

To err is to be human.

To slack is to be me.

Yep, I admit it. I'm really lazy. Yes, not blogging for about a year plus, it kind of serves as evidence against me. Trialed and pronounced guilty, I shall now serve my sentence( Thou shall be sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of racism and hacking into a maple account...nah). I am going to start blogging regularly again and also remake my old blog. I feel that a new beginning is apropriate now, the reason that I have actually done relatively okay with my exams, which shows that there maybe hope for me yet. Or perhaps, and most likely, it has always been there and I simply ignored it. I mean i screwed up most of my secondary school tests due to my constant procrastination and laziness(its a curse i tell you, a curse in my families' blood!). So yes, with my new results, I shall strive to be better as a person.

(Angel sitting on my right shoulder: "Yes you can do it, just work hard at it dude! )

(Demon sitting on my left shoulder:"Yeah right, there's no hope for you, just have fun while you can! Sleep during class like you always do, don't listen to lessons. Sleep late reading manga scans. Play dota after school and not give a damn with that shitty schoolwork.YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.")

Okay that was just ludicrous, and purely fictional, but most of that is true about myself. It speaks alot of myself. My desires and temptations, my guilt and trying to do what I should do.

So what should I do?

Oh well, for now I'll just go to sleep.


Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 9:51 AM

Monday, July 02, 2007

I'm so lazy,I have not posted for around two to three months(like anyone of you asses care!). Well I just finished reading two differents manga comics. That I read online. (Midori Days and Negi Magi) Those people out there must probably be thinking that I am perverted due to the fact that both of them have several "echii" scenes as many call it, but I swear that I read the series of mangas for the fun of reading manga and not just watching out for a few big eyed babes that are naked. I swear. more or less. haha.

Man, the manga Midori Days was done really well! The last book was quite touching and I was almost moved to tears! Almost. Actually tears were rolling down my face as I continued reading. And I was also blowing my nose like crazy.But hey I have my sentimental moments(or what some people say semi-mental moments). LoL..... I really reccomend this series!

The last book of Negi Magi was really cool and funny and I was rather amused with the way the characters dealt with the situation.The battle scenes also really rocked!

Yay my parents have finally replaced all the lousy dusty ceilling fans in the house now all the fans are controlled by remote and its really cool. Too bad they all have 3 speed settings only...

I gotta go slack now....

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 2:26 AM

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I gotta make this quick, because my dad wants to use my computer while I am "asleep"(Yeah Right!) Nothing too interesting happened today. Okay, so maybe I am just blogging for the sake of blogging considering the fact that no one visits my blog at all.Wahhhhhhh! Everyone is so mean to me!!!!!! *sniff.

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 7:29 AM

Friday, April 13, 2007

Thank goodness, I have managed to edit the post before the last one so there is no incredibly large space in between the paragraphs and there is no large colony of crazy bunny clones.

I am going to blog about yesterday and today. Yesterday, during music lesson, our music teacher was talking about how to behave at an ochestra. What was really strange is that with almost every sentence she would end the sentence with okay. I swear that she said okay approximately 40 times and with an annoying tone with most of them. After school, we went for some great* community involvement project.We were forced to go to this "Christalite Methodist Home" lots of old geezers. Whee. What really sadenned me was the fact that a few of the old folk are cigarrete smokers. By smoking, they were throwing what little life that they had left within themselves. Sigh.......

Today I had quite a busy day. I left school early at 12 o'clock because I had to go for this NCC outing. So I managed to pawn class and some stupid "Spin a Yarn" competition. There was some miscommunication and we had gone to the wrong place, so we ended up taking a much longer trip then we should have. After that we were sent to the Esplanade for an ochestra.We reached there early by 1 hour30minutes so we went to Macdonalds to eat our lunch. After that we went to the bowling alley and I watched my fellow cadets bowling with my senior. It was quite funny to watch we were all beginners.Next thing we new 2 of my friends each had a strike, making a comeback when my Seargent was winning.

Unfortuneately we were late because of the bowling so we rushed from Marina Square to the esplanade and on the way we got lost, lol. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN>_<. The ochestra was ok but it became slightly boring as the pieces of music sounded similar.

Man, I'm so tired. I got to sleep now.

* delete accordingly

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 8:02 AM

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I noticed that my blog has a few problems. Such as the fact that when you upload a picture and that will suddenly start copying itself. Also the spacing in between the paragraphs keeps becoming larger and larger. When I uploaded the crazy bunny picture, a whole colony was created. CRAZY BUNNIES ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That the reason why there's a huge spacing in between the two paragraphs in my last post.

___ ___


______. Right now I am in ACS blogging. I'm blogging on my annoying friend's computer because my internet has some problems. He is begging for me to stop blogging. Now he is being retrained by Roysten. LOL. BYE!

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 8:09 PM

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ok, ok. I admit it. I haven't posted for quite a long time. Yeah I know, my blog is almost totally dead, I plead guilty. Hey stop looking at me like that! =_= Lately i have been rather lazy. Oh well tomorrow is good friday, so there is no school tomorrow. ACS will be holding a charity walkaton on Saturday so there will be some walking and holy stuff(things that are holey such as a few pairs of my pants). Wheeee

Today was the Lee Suan Eew (so smelly!)(Actually I think that it is spelt as Lee Suan Yew)Speaker of the Year Award. If you find a bunch of teenagers with a complicated vocabulary talking about some retarded subject interesting, then you should have come. The person who came as guest of honour was none other than the Mediacorp Artist, Adrian Pang!(To tell the truth, I would have rathered Fiona Xie. -_-=Dang!) It came as quite a surprise though.

I'm thinking of changing my blogskin so don't be surprised if my blog looks totally different the next you look.(If you even look at my blog).

I got to sleep now.night

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 7:01 AM

My blood identity

turned 14 on 13Jan08
Currently resides in the hell that goes by the initials"ACS"


my fellow allies and comrades of ACS
William the gay
Teng the mph escapee
Yuan Teck the gigantic jolly giant


World peace?NAH too boring
sexnot for ppl under 16
real dota in my com
different series of manga books
cure for boredom

Restricted Area

Entry is forbidden for non-staff

the 13 story blog

Bloody trail left behind.

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
July 2007
May 2008
July 2008