To err is to be human.
To slack is to be me.
Yep, I admit it. I'm really lazy. Yes, not blogging for about a year plus, it kind of serves as evidence against me. Trialed and pronounced guilty, I shall now serve my sentence( Thou shall be sentenced to life imprisonment on charges of racism and hacking into a maple account...nah). I am going to start blogging regularly again and also remake my old blog. I feel that a new beginning is apropriate now, the reason that I have actually done relatively okay with my exams, which shows that there maybe hope for me yet. Or perhaps, and most likely, it has always been there and I simply ignored it. I mean i screwed up most of my secondary school tests due to my constant procrastination and laziness(its a curse i tell you, a curse in my families' blood!). So yes, with my new results, I shall strive to be better as a person.
(Angel sitting on my right shoulder: "Yes you can do it, just work hard at it dude! )
(Demon sitting on my left shoulder:"Yeah right, there's no hope for you, just have fun while you can! Sleep during class like you always do, don't listen to lessons. Sleep late reading manga scans. Play dota after school and not give a damn with that shitty schoolwork.YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO.")
Okay that was just ludicrous, and purely fictional, but most of that is true about myself. It speaks alot of myself. My desires and temptations, my guilt and trying to do what I should do.
So what should I do?
Oh well, for now I'll just go to sleep.