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Thursday, November 23, 2006

I have finally gotten my results. They are not bad but neither are they exceptional. I have gotten a 252.

To tell the truth, I expected worse. I thought that I had totally screwed up my science paper. I got As for everything except for Maths ( A* ) and Higher chinese( pass ).

I hope that I can get into ACS (Independant) or Victoria. My marks are pretty average so I shall not not scream or rejoice....

...that much.


*Ahem* I'm now wondering whether you can read that or bother to read that as the line has probably shot out of this page. WHEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!!!

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 9:13 PM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Tomorrow is the day of truth! My fate shall be sealed tomorrow!

The release of my PSLE results are tomorrow. Okay, I am calm. I am sure I will get good results. I will not become depressed. I shall not lose my cool.

Ooops, too late.

Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! I messed up my Science paper! I'm ddeeaadd!

May the lord have mercy on me tomorrow.


Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 5:56 AM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

For some reason, I am now feeling a bit superior to other living organisms. So, just for the fun of it, I shall type out the things I will do if I ever became the ruler of the world. It is impossible I know. I won't become ruler of this world. ( More of the ruler of this universe!BWAHAHAHAHA ) But I am just doing this for fun.

  1. I shall ban all preschool shows except for Sesame Street. If Bob the builder or Barney ever goes to the Singapore expo, I will either hire assasins or personally snipe him down.
  2. I shall ban smoking and drugs.
  3. I shall make MacDonalds, KFC, Burgerking, Pizzahut etc sell free food.
  4. I shall fire all boring/ naggy/ stupid/ irritating/ plain crazy/strict/ fierce/murderous/all of the above teachers.
  5. I shall ban homework.
  6. I shall wipe all irritants off the face of the earth. (Not me! )

All who do not obey my rules shall be eliminated(Or bribed)! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 1:50 AM

Friday, November 17, 2006

I have waited for this time to come for so long and it has finally arrived! I can hardly believe it!

I have graduated from primary school!


I am so happy I can faint! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (for give me for the excessive amount of laughing, screaming and exclamation marks)

My dad wants me to get off the computer so I got to go. Bye!

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 10:45 PM

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hello! I feel like I am neglecting my blog so I am now going to post. The new Artemis Fowl book really rocks!!!!!

Today, I played a game of vampire with my friends. As usual I let myself become the first vampire. The rule is that the vampire is supposed to suck out the blood of the rest players. The game ends when you have either killed the players or turned them into vampires. Since there are vampires in this game it only can be played without sunlight or the vampire will die. None of the players are allowed to wear a crucrifix or carry holy water so as to not scare the vampire away. Lol... Just joking.

Tomorow is the last day of school. I'm really happy considering i have waited for this moment for about 11 months. I really do not want to go to school tommorow. Why? Because we have to sing some lame song and play the recorder.

Why do we have to suffer during this ceremony? This graduation ceremony is meant for us, the primary sixes! Why should we suffer? We do not even want do it! It is for our own graduation and we do not want to do these things! In the end we are forced to do it instead.

Oh well, this message goes out to all the pupils in 6I!

OUR CLASS ROCKS! (no my Caps Lock is not on)

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 4:55 AM

Monday, November 13, 2006

Yay! I have finally gotten the newest book of " Artemis Fowl"! Too bad it is coming out of my Christmas money. This means that I have all the books on the Artemis Fowl series. Yay!

My brother has read the book and he says that the book is spellbounding and like one really good movie. Well I have not read it yet but I wonder if it is going to take me three hours to read it. ( The time some long movies last)

I'm going to read the book now. Sayonara!(Once again I am not sure whether I spelt it correctly!)

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 5:16 AM

Sunday, November 12, 2006

I have done something that many people have tried but most people have failed! (No, I have not learnt how to fly) I have done something that hardly anyone has accomplished. Believe it or not I have cleaned my room! The room is actually shared by my brother and I.

Okay, perhaps a description of the room is appropriate. Think of a room. It is very tidy. There is nothing dirty on the floor. There is a shelf of books that are neatly stacked. There is a desk in the room which is very neat and tidy.......

Now think of a room that is the exact opposite.

The image in your mind is probably what my room looked like before I cleaned it up. Half of the mess was created by me while the other half of the mess was created by my brother.lol XD

Wish I can skip school tommorow........

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 4:45 AM

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Somehow I have survived the recorder rehearsal with only minor injuries. It was so bloody hot and stuffy in the hall and we had to sing one lame song and play another lame song for about ten to fifteen times.

Our school had planned a debate, the subject being genetic modification. I can bet that everything they said was scripted. They were all reading from pieces of paper. they also did not have any life in it. In other words they were utterly boring. I'm so evil!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaha*gakk* Save meeeee*

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 10:58 PM

Tomorow is our school's interclass soccer tournament. I know that our sucky team will lose but wish me luck anyway. lol.... There also is the recorder rehearsal for the primary6 graduation day. Wish me more luck for that. (I really suck at music) lol I got to sleep now. Night!

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 6:29 AM

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My school organised a few things, from the school's hundreth anniversary carnival to the fold the paper cranes project.

The carnival was enjoyable enough. Despite losing twice at the remote control car racing booth, managing to shoot only one rocket into the hole out of eight tries and missing every time in the "shooting the animals " game stall. I ate tea eggs for lunch. The haunted house was pretty fun too. In fact it was really scary. Really. I couldn't help laughing. The queue for the the haunted house was extremely long but I, not so patiently, waited. There was this kid behind me screaming for his parents to let himgo with his brother although they did not have many coupons left. After several more minutes, it was my turn. It was really dark inside so I could hardly see. The girls inside were screaming repeatedly and I was tempted to ask them to shut up. There was this "ghost" that was wearing a mask that could glow in the dark and I accidentally touched another "ghost's" mask. Being my normal self I could not help but say "sorry did not see you there " to the "ghost" .It was so dark I did not see the pathway properly and I thought that one of the "ghosts " had closed a gate or something. I stupidly asked one of them to open the non-existent gate. He just pointed to the pathway and I finally realized that there was a pathway through. At the point where we( the visitors, not the ghosts) were about to leave the haunted house a person in a gorilla appeared. Do not ask me why. I,unlike the girls, did not find it scary.There was this ride where the people sit in it and they and they are carried around in circles, from anti-clockwise to clockwise. It is too bad I could not sit in it but I had used up all my coupons by the time I had noticed it. There are a lot of other things that happened(such as the dunk machine where you use a ball to hit a target and make your teacher fall into a tub of water) but I am feeling too lazy to write them all.

The crane making project is, surprisingly, folding paper cranes. Wheee... So much fun. For every crane made a bowl of rice is donated to the needy.

The primary5 pupils are doing a CIP( Community Involvement Project/Cornered In Pot) our school wants us to donate used textbooks or food items to the less fortunate. It looks like 6I is going to be forced by our form teacher to donate.

Any speling or gramartical errors are totaly acidental;P

Still bleeding.Ouch.
- 2:46 AM

My blood identity

turned 14 on 13Jan08
Currently resides in the hell that goes by the initials"ACS"


my fellow allies and comrades of ACS
William the gay
Teng the mph escapee
Yuan Teck the gigantic jolly giant


World peace?NAH too boring
sexnot for ppl under 16
real dota in my com
different series of manga books
cure for boredom

Restricted Area

Entry is forbidden for non-staff

the 13 story blog

Bloody trail left behind.

October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
April 2007
July 2007
May 2008
July 2008